The Wellbeing Landscape
The wellbeing landscape of St. Mary’s College incorporates all aspects of school community life from students’ physical, intellectual, moral, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and development to the safe and supportive environment in which they learn.
St Mary’s College sees wellbeing as fundamental to successful learning. Children and young people who are happy, confident and able to establish meaningful relationships are better placed to achieve positive learning outcomes. The Catholic school environment must provide a safe and supportive environment that contributes to positive learning outcomes and the wellbeing of students, staff and the broader community.
The Student Wellbeing Strategy has been designed to articulate the ways in which the CEM Student Wellbeing Unit will lead and support Catholic school communities in the Archdiocese of Melbourne in the promotion of wellbeing. The aim of the strategy is to promote an optimal learning environment to support student engagement and learning outcomes.
Support to schools is delivered through three key wellbeing initiatives:
Student Wellbeing Team
The responsibility for the Policies developed for Student Wellbeing rests with a team. This includes the Director of Wellbeing and three Year Level Coordinators. These people, along with all staff, administer the policies and practices at the College. This whole school approach provides an opportunity to develop an optimal learning environment for all students through the promotion of three key components of school life:
- Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
- School Ethos and Environment
- Community Partnerships
Social and Emotional Learning in Catholic School Communities
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process for integrating thinking, feeling and behaviour to achieve important social/life tasks, meet personal and social needs and develop the skills necessary to become a productive, contributing member of society.
School Community Partnerships
Fostering community development and partnerships is integral to an effective wellbeing strategy. Partnerships engender support for the development and wellbeing of young people and their families and serve to maximise student engagement and achievement. The initiative supports development of a whole school approach to wellbeing and provides a framework for the engagement of the school and broader community. SACSC supports the development and maintenance of links between staff, students and parents at the school level and encourages schools to build partnerships with the broader community.